Tragedy in Uzun District: Detained Man Dies During Investigation
n the "Yangiyul" neighborhood of the Uzun district, Surkhandarya region, a man detained in connection with the brutal murder of a woman and her children has died during the investigation. The deceased man's family reported this to PARADIGMA.UZ journalists.
Tergov davomida o‘lim: Uzun tumanidagi fojiada fermer qatag‘on qilindi
According to local residents, many people were interrogated and detained during the investigation. One of them was 49-year-old Tohir Khaitov, a farmer in the Uzun district since 2016. He was taken into custody on February 23, eight days after the tragic incident. However, just two days later, on February 25, he was reported dead.
The deceased man's son told PARADIGMA.UZ that his father had been tortured and falsely accused during the investigation.
"He was subjected to torture and various methods to have the crime pinned on him. Ultimately, after two days, on February 25, they claimed he died from a heart attack. However, my father had no health issues at all," he said.
The horrific crime that took place in Surkhandarya region, and the death of the individual under investigation due to torture, not only highlights issues within the judicial system but also shows clear violations of human rights.
In human rights law, there are certain rights that cannot be restricted under any circumstances. The right to be free from torture is an absolute right. This means that the state has no right to subject any person to torture or cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment under any circumstances.
Some rights can be restricted, for instance, freedom of speech or movement can be temporarily limited in an emergency. However, the right not to be tortured can never be restricted under any circumstances.
Uzbekistan has ratified several international conventions that prohibit torture, including:
— The UN Convention Against Torture (1984) – Uzbekistan ratified this convention in 1995, and it is obligated to comply with all its provisions. According to Article 2 of the Convention, no circumstances, not even war or emergency situations, can justify torture.
— The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (1966) – Uzbekistan is a party to this document as well. Article 7 of the Covenant states: "No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment."
— The Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan – According to Article 26, no one shall be subjected to torture, violence, or cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment.
— The Criminal Procedural Code (Article 235) – This article guarantees protection against torture and violence, as well as establishes criminal liability for torture.
Although there are laws and international obligations prohibiting torture, in practice, this right is often violated. There have been numerous reports that torture is still being used during investigations, especially to extract confessions from suspects.
One of the reasons for this is the impunity of the perpetrators. When torture is carried out by law enforcement officers, it often goes unpunished or ignored by officials. This results in torture remaining a systemic issue.
Any "evidence" obtained through torture is considered unreliable. Victims may be forced to admit to false accusations simply to end their suffering, which allows real criminals to escape punishment and innocent people to suffer.
Furthermore, torture erodes public trust in state institutions. If citizens are afraid to approach the police or law enforcement agencies, it weakens the rule of law in society and leads to an increase in criminal activities.
Every state is obligated to fight against torture. Uzbekistan must fulfill its international obligations, impose a complete ban on torture, and take specific measures to address this issue.